Minecraft Skins Pack

Minecraft Education Skin Editor

1. TrialSkinPak.zip
2. Skin editor
a. https://www.tynker.com/
3. UUID Generator
a. https://www.uuidgenerator.net/

1. Editing your skin
Use Tynker.com to create a new skin.
Save the png file to your laptop.
Create as many new skins as you wish.

2. Modifying the Skin Pak files

a. manefest.json

Modify the name in the header

“name”: “MCC”,

You need to replace BOTH UUID codes.

Browse to https://www.uuidgenerator.net/

Copy the UUID

replace the UUID in the header

Copy another UUID

replace the UUID in the modules

b. en_US.lang

Open the file using TextEdit

Modify the skinpack
– Replace Template with


Modify each skin name
– Replace the Template with the NEW name you gave it in the skinpack
– Replace the NICE_NAME with a suitable name for each skin


You need to add a skin definition for each skin you have made and want to add.

c. skins.json

Modify the “serialise_name”
– Replace with

“serialize_name”: “MCC”,

Modify the “localization_name”
– Replace with

“localization_name”: “MCC”

Modify each skin
– Set the “localization_name” to represent the name of your skin
– Set the “texture” to the filename of your skin

“localization_name”: “Kaitlyn”,
“geometry”: “geometry.humanoid.custom”,
“texture”: “Kaitlyn.png”,
“type”: “free”
“localization_name”: “Garrod”,
“geometry”: “geometry.humanoid.customSlim”,
“texture”: “Garrod.png”,
“type”: “free”

You need to add a skin definition for each skin you have made and want to add.

3. Compress the TrialSkinPak folder into a zip file

4. Copy it to
\Library\Application Support\minecraftpe\games\com.mojang\skin_packs

You can get access to the Library by
– in finder by clicking the ‘go’ menu item in the top bar and then holding the ‘alt’ key